About Us
ADEX Ventures is the trading name for Adex Solar Energy Innovative. A private company, registered with the with Companies House in London. The company overall business concept is based on theory and ideology known as Fluid Innovative Concepts, to facilitate and provide innovative skills, services and products, in satisfying our identified market needs.
Our Firm has being strategically involved in the implementation of “PAN 45” renewable technology in the UK in-line with the EU Directives on Energy Performance in buildings for both domestic and industrial consumptions. We have being involved in Micro-generation strategy in the UK directly and indirectly.
We are UK based company with a full branch office in Nigeria. We specialise in importing, exporting and manufacturing of solar energy equipment and tracking device systems.
To sell, improve, manage, develop, lease, charge, dispose of, turn to account or otherwise deal with all or any part of the undertaking or property rights of the Company, and to sell the undertaking of the Company, or any part thereof for such consideration as the Company may think fit, and in particular for cash, shares, debentures or debenture stocks or other obligations, whether fully paid or otherwise, of any other Company.
To enter into partnerships or into any arrangement for sharing profits, union of interests, reciprocal concessions, co-operations or otherwise, with any person or company carrying on a business similar to or which may be conveniently carried on with any business of the Company.
Adex Solar production line is one of the world’s largest renewable energy product manufacturers; with headquarter in Beijing High-Tech Park, and Research & Development Center in Tongzhou Fuhao Industry Zone.
Production base is located in Shenyang city, the capital of Liaoning Province.
As one of the leading company in the renewable energy field, we develop, manufacture and market a large range of cutting-edge, reliable, high-quality and high-tech products.
We are confident that you will not be disappointed in our service.
Ade Adeshina Ltd is a corporate member of the Britain Nigeria Association and West African Business Association
Member of UK Trade & Investment